video games

Life on the farm as a Fae

Who’s ready for a new cozy farm sim rpg game with lots of magic and overload of cuteness? Look no more with a new game release just September 8, 2023 from the Devs & Publisher Phoenix Labs. You can get Fae Farm on Steam, Epic games and The Nintendo Switch. The price point for Fea Farms is $39.99 standard edition and $59.99 for the Deluxe edition. But if you want this gem on the Switch you’re going to end up paying $59.99.

Download your copy today:

Customize your character with a range of options in body types.

Cozy farm/sim games are on the rise. They are not only becoming more popular but so many more twists and spins on them. The dynamics are very similar to games in its field but just looking at it; the textures, features and abilities definitely make it stand out. Before even playing this game, many people had it on their wishlist upon announcement.

You can play Fae Farm with 1-4 others in farming, fishing, catching critters, cooking, battling and mining. There is literally something for everyone in this game to do solo or with your friends. With the ability to have multiple saves/servers the game play really can be endless.

The NPC’s that are available add more game play and dialect to the story. But not a lot personal 1 on 1 character dialect. The characters from what I have seen don’t have much of a deep character story behind them compared to other similar games in its field. But if you’re like me I don’t run too much into NPC’s dialect, so I don’t see it fazing my gameplay too much. You can spend as much time as you want raising your own funds selling in the market, buying and customizing your own outfits or find that special someone to someday marry and start a family with.

With so many NPC’s it’s okay if you don’t make relations with all of them but you can have as many best friends as you choose. Cook them their favorite foods, gift them items you’ve even crafted and just talking to them daily will do the trick. But don’t forget that you need to travel through the mines and watch out for items that got a cast of magic on them and need to be sent back to the where they came from. The towns people didn’t know what to do with some poorly enchanted items and just locked them away. Out of sight out of mind energy for sure. While playing you will definitely see your hour turn into many going along the map and seeing tundra changing and clearly the land of magical vines.

Get your blankets and you teas and get cozy with this really fun jampacked sim rpg Fae Farm. I’ve already dumped 10 hours into this game and I see a lot more coming as my friends start to get it and we head down the multiplayer adventure together.

Download today from Steam, Epic Games or Nintendo Switch:

Epic Game Creator Code: LunaGalaxy


**all screenshots are from my own gameplay

Live stream game play of Fae Farm *Disclosure: I received a free review copy of this product from
content creator, featured, gaming news, Nominations, professional streamer, twitch streaming, video games

I was nominated in The GameHers awards

The GameHers is a prominent company in the gaming industry. Their base focus is providing and offering a safe haven for women and femme identifiers a place to game. As well as in the world field of gaming.

The GameHers awards are being sponsored by stream labs and open nominations were placed.

I was personally nominated for YouTube Content creator of the year and Twitch Streamer of the year. I am beyond honored to represent BIPOC and the LGBTQIA+ communities for these nominations. I enjoy and love what I do and my community and those around recognize that even when I think I’m invisible. So thank you.

If you’d like to vote you can follow the link, register to ensure your vote is secure in this first round of voting.


I can be found under Lunamarie33

You can find my nominations under LunaMarie33 (sometimes you have to manually search because the phone has issues compared to pc)

Good luck to all of the amazing people who have been nominated. Win or lose it’s still an honor.

Game Review, gaming news, indie, pc gaming, Simulation, Steam, video games

My Museum-Simulate art and Indiana Jones style exhibitions

 Growing up I actually liked going to museums. It was either the environment of packing up for the day and spending time in a new place or the feeling of “time traveling” and seeing how life and things were back in ancient times. And not even ancient times; learning about our own surroundings even in the then and now. Wow, I felt some nostalgia there for a moment thinking of my museum visits as a kid and taking my sons to even some in the last few years. Well with how the world has been going, some places are 100% open back up and some with small restrictions you may be able to still enjoy some museum time and you yourself be the curator of it. 

You know me, I love my simulation games and when My Museum came across my sites I had to dive into it. My museum is developed by ManyDev Studio and Code Meister. It is not available yet on Steam but I would definitely add it to your wishlist for when the prologue drops.I got this game free of charge to play test and give what I give best, my honest review.

My actual game play screen shot *getting to my museum*

Opening up My Museum starts off already relaxing. The music is enlightening and the textures are very smooth and crisp. If you have ever played or watched house flipper it has those vibes. Everything you will be doing is in first person ,view of hands and arms mode. So it puts you right there handling all the work. So what exactly are we doing in a museum simulator? There is more to it than I had actually expected. The forefront of the game is that you have inherited your grandfather’s museum and it is in pretty bad shape. But you’re an art lover, antiques restorer, traveling business man/woman so this should be a breeze. Right?

Demo days are always fun days. As you start restoring your museum you have a plan to make it the best of its kind for critics and visitors to enjoy. You can head to your computer to purchase items from more art, displays and tools to do your job. But the fun part is getting to go out on exhibitions. The first adventure takes us to a temple in Egypt, it gives us some Indiana Jones vibes. We have to uncover puzzles, paths and stories to find more artifacts to bring back to the museum. I personally got nervous. Please in real life do not just take something from a sacred location, that just gave me goosebumps. But for the game, we shall collect. From there it’s said in the game that you have to weigh out your options of cleaning and displaying it or leave it in its age of distress and sell it. Because some items just may do better untouched and sold rather than restoring it and losing out on some money. YIKES!

In game it already shows that there are enough things to keep you busy. If you’re like me I spend way too much time decorating. Okay, in my eyes it’s just enough time for my vision; that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. I’m curious to see if we will be able to expand the museum, what lies behind some places that look like doorways, what else is in that Egyptian temple and what will the lineup of exhibitions be? I took their survey and I personally voted for Atlantis. 

Short but hands on play test, I’ll be close watching to see more on what My Museum grows into.

(Youtube embed)

Devs: ManyDev Studio & Code Meister

Publisher: ManyDev Studio

console, content creator, featured, Game Review, gaming news, indie, pc gaming, Simulation, Steam, Uncategorized, video games

Gotta steal em’ all; 80’s edition

“Jack, psssttt, Jack; can you get some swindling done for me? I’ve been eyeballing house 705’s record player and I don’t have the money to get my own. Can you help me out?”

Yeah, it’s that simple, you become the townie thief that people come crawling to when they need the best sticky fingers in the business and that’s you, Jack.

  American Theft 80’s comes from the creators of Thief Simulator; devs Noble Muffins and publisher Playway S.A. American Theft 80’s does not have an official release date yet but you can get it added to your wishlist on Steam. You’re in for a treat, I got to play the prologue, currently free in Steam, and right at start up it tells you that this isn’t the final version of the game and many things may or may not change. It was a lot of fun to dive into this new indie game with my community. 

When you first start off playing it really gives you an 80’s tv vibe that you’re watching. The game is packed with action, adventure and simulation. Breaking out of jail, keeping the heat off of you by paying off a crooked cop and a range of side missions as well as just breaking and entering as you please. 

Breaking into a house on American Theft 80’s with a crowbar

You can play this game with a mouse/keyboard or with a controller but I opted for a keyboard, as I do with most games. The town that you are in is really small; one straight strip and a side road. The police station, motel, the bar, pawn shop, a few houses and the trailer park; that is heavily guarded for some odd reason. 

When you are out on the town you can speed up time by sleeping in your car. Scope out your location and the residents during the day and then hit them at night. As you progress you can buy disguises, you have the typical burglary all black and then you can get an electrician outfit to make it less obvious that the people tend to fall for even when they say they never called for anyone. They let you right in anyway. 

Once I got the controls down and learned the map it became fun to see how far I could go and not get caught, in the day and at night. Just know some of the residents aren’t afraid and don’t back down when they are getting robbed. They will attack you and call the cops in a heartbeat. Don’t be like me and forget where your car is, luckily there are plenty of bushes and trash bins to hide in when the police are hot on your tail. When you do the missions, you accept you can’t forget about yourself. When you’re in a house there are a range of things you can steal so you pocket some cash. Many houses leave money laying around, check the dresser drawers, cabinets, take record players, VHS’s and even their shoes sitting by the front door. Nothing is off limits. After you turn in your work, head to the pawn shop to sell what you pocketed, purchase new items/upgrade equipment. 

Sell all the items you steal at the pawn shop. Also fix tools and buy new equipment when it’s available.

 I give this game 8/10 stars because it kept me on my toes, there was some thrill and excitement, and it was a fun engaging simulation game to play with my chat as I streamed it on Twitch and they even gave some positive feedback on watching and wanting to pay themselves.

American Theft 80s coming to Steam soon.

Galaxy out,


**Featured photo came from Steam, in body photos came from my own screen shots of playing the game.

competitive gaming, console, featured, Game Review, gaming news, indie, mobile games, multiplayer, Nintendo switch, pc gaming, shooter video game, video games

eBlitz, connect your gaming family no matter where you are.

Going into gaming sometimes we go at it alone. We start off with solo,1 player game but eventually we want to branch out to multiplayers games whether it be Call of Duty, Overwatch, Dead by Daylight, Fortnite, FFXIV and the list can go on and on. But where can we find teammates? Irl friends are always the go to but, if you’re the only gamer in your field finding teammates can be scarce.

New gaming app to help connect you to a world of teammates for multiplayer games.

I was contacted by the Head of Growth of a new app called eBlitz. A new gaming app created Nov of 2021. What does eBlitz have to offer in the gaming world and how does this solve your problem of not having teammates?

The app is designed to help gamers find non-toxic gaming buddies/teammates to play with in a single swipe, for all their favorite multiplayer games!

Robert Luke Elden- Head of Growth, eBlitz Ltd

The gaming world just got a little bit easier, well in terms of finding teammates. The app can be found in the Apple and Google play stores.

iOS – Android –

The app runs very smooth and holds a lot of information for you to connect to the right teammate for your needs. As a simple swipe & match that helps you find reliable teammates. Have the openness to chat with them before you play so you can see how you mesh in conversation and go over how you expect to play the game and what you expect out of your teammates. Because let’s face it, sometimes you just want to have fun and play the game win or lose and then you may be a little bit more competitive and need your teammates to match that same energy.

Check out the players profiles and what they have to offer before you invite them to teamup

When creating your account, you start off by picking the games that you want to find teammates for. The only gripe I have with it is that it limits you to only 5 games. As a variety gamer I have a range of games in my library and depending on my mood and what friends I have, I definitely saw more than 5 games that I wanted to add. But I stuck with the top 5 games I probably play more during the week.

A great addition to the app is you can set up your own schedule showing the times and days you are most available to play. This well stop from having to give people bad news that you can’t play with them because of your personal schedule or any other issue that keeps you from playing. It could also make you a hot commodity after they see your stats and then people may align their schedules with yours to get that time to play with you.

Let’s take to the founder and get to know a little bit more about eBlitz.

Arron Wu-eBlitz Ltd

What made you create and start eBlitz?

Gaming has always been something I’d rather do with friends, and as Covid started, hanging out over games became much more frequent. Matching availability with my friends was notoriously difficult, so I often found myself needing someone to play with. 

The experience was highly frustrating. The in-game match systems rarely delivered a real conversation and people just did their own things (or shouted abuse at each other). I also tried a variety of team finder platforms, and they invariably tended to be very time consuming (e.g. discovering groups, sending multiple posts in different groups) or I simply did not fit in (I enjoy winning but I would not call myself a competitive player).

So, I asked myself – why isn’t there a solution where people can instantly play together and have a good time? I went on to talk with a lot of gamers, and I was surprised by the amount of people facing the exact same predicament as I did! We then created a prototype of how we imagine matching should work, and I have never played COD Mobile or Fortnite in silence again!

Where are you sitting at right now with downloads to the app?

We’ve recently just hit over 120k downloads (in 4 months) and we’re growing every day!

How many work on this app or are you at this alone?

We have a team of 7 talented team members across product design, engineering and marketing at the moment. I am very fortunate to have found such a team of passionate believers in the eBlitz mission. We have come a very long way since the first private beta, and we are continuing to put out new updates every week to respond to user feedback, this would not be possible without extraordinarily hard work from the team.

Are you a gamer yourself?

I definitely had some of the happiest childhood memories with gaming: the weekend afternoons in the arcade playing Tekken, the detours after school for some LAN sessions on Counter Strike or Red Alert, and connecting our Game Boys (still physical cables back then!) for some Mario Karts during lunch breaks.

The multiplayer games now are all online and more global than ever, yet I felt it frequently makes the feeling of ‘togetherness’ harder to come by. Therefore a big part of my motivation is to recreate that simple happy feeling by focusing on how people connect and play together. What made the arcade and LAN parties special are still heartwarming to everyone, we just need to express them in a new way.

Do the gamers put in their game stats or does it connect to said games/accounts for them?

We are believers in minimizing efforts, so stats should be automated, it does mean we don’t have a lot of stats for now (we don’t have official connections with a lot of games yet). We are having an exciting pipeline of discussions with game developers about integration though, so hopefully this is something we can change soon!

The app coordinators already show a taking to listening to the users of the app. They have just added a new update that lets you message a new potential partner 2 times before you get a response. Right there on the app the state.

You have asked for this many times, now you have it…

app update response
Set how many players you are looking for any game or be specific to your list.

Ios or Android check out the new and growing gaming app eBlitz and find partners to run with for the things you need and know their gaming level and stats so you always have a perfect match up to your gaming needs.

Check out the eBlitz website as well and stay up to date with what’s coming.

Galaxy out,


**photos in the body of the message are stock photos provided by eBlitz for press usage and those in the slideshow are my one taken from my usage of the app.

competitive gaming, console, content creator, featured, gaming news, interview, Nominations, professional streamer, twitch streaming, video games

More to Zombie than mmm-eats the eye

If you know me, you know I have a high, deathly fear of zombies. It’s true, I have an apocalypse team. But if there is any zombie that has my heart it’s blunt mouthed, hard working and never out spoken XzombieXgirlXx. She is a woman who will kick ass and not stop to take names and keep right on going.

Call her Zombie Or Zombie Girl, she isn’t new to the scene and definately has no plans on leaving it as well. Zombie has been gaming since her early teens on the Dreamcast; that’s OG.

If you don’t have an idea of what that is, then you have missed out on gaming some awesome things.

Zombies creative logo by CHELBREANN
Streamer and member of ZeeRoyalty- XzombieXgirlXx

She made a lot of movement in her teens after console upgrades and new game drops. The very popular Call of Duty seemed to tickle her fancy. So at the age of 18 she took to the Esports side of gaming; squaded up and the rest was history.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) was her poison of choice. It’s safe to say that this path opened up more for her down the road.

I got into Esports more by joining teams and helping mange them…


Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 was the first game that Zombie started competing in with her Esports team.

Call of duty MW3 released Nov 8, 2011

She doesn’t sugar coat her gains; being in this industry as a female is difficult. Zombie holds this nature of helping others before helping herself. Time and time again she had to prove herself to others but also in that same time, has helped major teams get the push they needed.

Meet Zombie

Live Streams on Twitch

1: What made you pick up the controller in your early teens?

So when I was young I was not allowed to game it was for boys and I had to sneak around to play so when I started picking up the controller I was playing anything I could and noticed I was really good at shooting games and had to get into it more so that’s what made me pick it up honestly.

2: Did you expect to live this life as a gamer back then?

Being honest fuck no lol I look back and laugh a little cause I’m like nah this shit is not going anywhere and look now Esports and gaming are bigger than the NFL. So I’m glad I never gave up. Honestly I’m happy with being a gamer for life.

3: Why do you feel gaming should be on the map for sporting events?

I believe Esports is way more than just gaming honestly and should be in sporting events. Players make more than you think and get noticed by major companies; more so than celebs. It brings in all ages and families; it needs to be on the map.

4: Do you think in the dark web there are actually more female gamers and/or Esports women out there? But because of the stigmatism they are hiding?

I believe there are many female gamers out there that have gone unnoticed in the esport world and also I feel like some don’t wanna do it because of bad reps of other teams with men and people. I don’t think they’re hiding. I think teams don’t want women and it’s sad because I have seen better female players then men.

5: Do you prefer streaming or working behind the scene in the Esports field?

I wanna say I prefer streaming and working on the front of the scene in the esports field as women. I don’t wanna be put on the back burner. My experience with most orgs or teams I was a part of ; they never wanted to listen to me as I was a female and didn’t know anything about gaming which pissed me off. I wanna be front and center as an equal.

6: How does your family feel about how much you’re into gaming?

I’m supported by my wife zombieslilmoster and her family and they push me to go beyond what I ever thought I could. And it’s important to involve them in what I do a lot so I love the support!

7: Do you have any regrets on the path gaming has brought you this far?

I have no regrets. I have learned many things and I have grown from my mistakes and I’m grateful!

8: You started on Mixer and moved to Twitch. What’s the verdict… do you still feel Mixer would do better had they not closed down?

Wherever I go I will be successful no matter what but I will grow and support everyone I can! Doesn’t matter the platform it matters about the amazing viewers and streamers. I have met so many that I  support and continue meeting; without them I’m nothing. My stream world gets the credit and made me who I am today and I thank them all for that!

I’m currently streaming on Twitch, it’s been a struggle but it’s been a daily joy. I am now apart of a new Esports team called Zee Royalty; be on the lookout for bi monthly podcasts on gaming/issues/events.


Zombie has a heart and fire; not only for her path but those who may struggle without one. Being a woman and a member of the LBGTQ community, her voice is advocating for you as well.

Catch her live streams on Twitch:

Photo by suludan diliyaer on

Be sure to keep up with her and a gaming contact:

Take a peek at Zee Royalty Esports team dedicated to sharing their love and passion of gaming to competing at the highest level while advocating equality for women in competitive gaming.

video games

Become Mother Nature: free of man

If you know me, you know I love a good simulation game. So when I was contacted by Kris – Director at Future Friends Games- about Cloud Gardens I had to dig into this. I won’t lie, it took me a couple of days to understand exactly what this game was and even about. I almost passed on it because I simply said… I don’t get it…

  So, we know it’s a simulation game but it’s not like any other I personally have played. There are some games I can compare it to but I feel it still just has its own vibe about it.

   Creator Noio Games (Thomas van den Berg) put together a mother nature style simulation game. There are no people, no shooting, no boss battles; in a sense we are coming in after the apocalypse has occurred and helping mother nature do what she does best. And that is grow. You take complete control of nature in lo-fi scenes of urban decay and manufactured landscapes. It’s your job to be strategic in seed placement in these locations to embark on a full land of flowers, shrubs, trees and more without the walls of a greenhouse or potted soil.

When I first took a look at the trailer and screenshots of the game sent over to me, my mind went straight to Poison Ivy, she would be so proud. I picture myself as her in all the glory of letting plants take over what man destroyed. The soothing sounds of the music, even the click of placing items; I can see myself emerged into this for hours. The colors of the plants and even structure of buildings and automotives. Job well done.

The game runs in two modes: sandbox where you can sit and relax to the soothing sounds of Amos Roddy, composer of the Kingdom Series, and be as creative as you want to be or do campaign mode of 6 chapters of one goal. Cover all things manufactured in the love of greenery.

How can you have a game with no people, animals, interactions? When playing the campaign you do have goals and situations to hit. Just because there may not be people or animals , plants have needs too and certain conditions to thrive in. It’s up to you to be the judge of these placements and indicators to let you know where you are before you move on to the next location. 

After diving in and really understanding the path the developer was going, I can not wait to get started. I released the information to my discord fam and I already got some interesting feedback on seeing how this game takes off. 

The Cloud Gardens game looks pretty cool. Like super chill vibes

Eli – discord member

Cloud Gardens will be available on Steam Sept 9, 2020. I plan on streaming for the first time that evening around 7pm cst on Twitch (


Beginners Guide, competitive gaming, competitive gaming, console, content creator, featured, gaming news, pc gaming, professional streamer, twitch streaming, Uncategorized, video games

I can either do this alone…Or in an organization…I think?

In the land of content creating people usually started to stream because they saw how playing a video game made an individual more money than working a part time job or even 9-5. But it doesn’t work exactly that easy. Hours, days and sometimes years go into getting yourself to a “making money” standpoint. If you have what it takes to stand out and appeal to your audience.

Now of course… not saying all people started for the growth of money. We do have legit and honest streamers that started to stream to meet others, to not play a multiplayer game well, alone. But whatever the reasoning, once you start streaming you will notice the words; organization, community and stream team thrown around like hot rice cakes.

I took to the lovely polls and asked a range of different content creators/streamers through various platforms to answer some small questions pertaining to orgs, communities and stream teams. Hold up one minute… you don’t know what these are? Stream teams, orgs and communities are groups of people who ban together usually through what is called Discord to help promote, chat, connect and well push one another in their subject field of gaming.

One comes with more rules than the other and sometimes contracts depending of course who is running the show and if they are trying to get paid content creators/streamers.

Photo by lalesh aldarwish on

Organizations for example are usually bigger than the 3 groups. Some come with contracts, payments deals and competitive teams you actually have to try out for. These types of groups can be very rewarding to a streamer when you find the right fit.

Stream teams are a little bit less demanding but you as a streamer/content creator still have to support and keep up with the group to keep your standing and work together. The org and stream teams usually do have some form of a management team; even if they don’t want to call themselves that, someone is and has to be in charge of the streamers.

Communities are usually what everyday streamers have of their own communities; a place to open up and let everyone use discord as a chat room grounds and organize channels per interests, get to know streamers, link drops etc. Anything that helps everyone involved promote themselves and well still support the main streamer that even started the community in the first place. But there have been streamers who paired up in discords to spread the responsibilities and it makes sense if you and a friend or two are always the ones playing together, why have different discords.

I won’t dive into context, most of the team I’m invited to join communities or organizations and the moment I join I’m immediately swept under the rug. Or most of the time there’s zero incentive to interact with anyone and usually there is only a small group of people out of a horde that actually communicate & said group is a major clique.


Did you get all of that? Let’s take to the polls and see how people really feel about these groups and if they should just back off and let people be on their own like, well, they used to be. 

** Also if you ever want to be a part of the open polls for the channel comment down below your email, twitch handle or email so I have a means to send the link to you. **

For those 21.4% of you who stated that you had no idea what the difference was between these groups in the gaming online world, well I helped you out there right above. In the meantime 64.3% of you feel like all of these groups are significantly different while 14.3% of you feel like they really aren’t. I am personally in the 64.3% of yes they are significantly different; my almost 2 years of streaming and about 7 years of content creating I have been in a org and a built stream team but I didn’t actually take the poll.

If you have already taken your own opinion on orgs, stream teams and communities and you haven’t taken the poll; one question I wanted to hear was how others felt about being under management when these groups are not “officially government jobs” but someone has to take the lead. I was graced to be a stream lead when I was in an org and a part of a start up stream team. Since leaving I heard a lot from others that they felt the owner or other top personnel didn’t abide by the TOS that they created for the org/stream team. In some cases the streamers had to sign off on.

On top of this alone, many felt it was always one sided; just for the ones who created these groups to get their own content and streaming ahead?

78.6% stated that they felt like these owners/leaders/top management did whatever they wanted to get ahead and were straight hypocrites actually to what they could do compared to what the streamers/content creators could do. They never played by the rules and were never true leaders for those smaller streamers to look up to. 21.4% felt a different way; this group thinks that those in charge shouldn’t be held to the same standards that well they own it, what they say and do goes. Very, very interesting. 

When you want to start an organization it’s nice to have your friends by your side. When you run an organization it’s best to not only be with your friends. 


Feeling that heat come off, how does that leave equality across the board? 50% feel that there is no equality across stream teams, organizations and communities. It’s a dog eat dog and popularity contest and possibly who’s butt you can kiss who is one of the top dogs in Discord and stream. Ouch

Photo by Soumil Kumar on

There is never equality in any business or organization. You have those that go out of their way to suck up or the boss has their own friends. There is always going to be some that the higher ups feel don’t contribute but that’s do to lack of recognition.


Usually network partnership deals involve a power scheme. Whether it’s said or not there’s always individuals who have a better work ethic than others which usually result with a lot of the decisions being finalized by said people.


Streaming and content creation took off with a HUGE bang and now the loss of one of the platforms there will most likely be another push and shove to the top or at least to make some type of living for yourself. Add the pandemic on top of it. Just keep working hard; whatever your path and your reasoning for content creating, choose for you and always keep striving to better yourself for the love of creating. If you choose to join anything, do your research, ask recommendations. If an org, team etc. is legit they won’t be offended if someone is trying to make sure they are making a smart choice for their career.

Comment down below if you have a poll idea or check the contact tab for a way to get a hold of me to discuss anything you would like. 

Galaxy Gaming,


content creator, featured, gaming news, interview, Nominations, professional streamer, Uncategorized, video games

For veterans, by veterans; welcomes Wicked Vet Gaming

Streamers come in all shapes and sizes just like any proffesion but Wicked vet gaming stands out like no other.

In my years of gaming and streaming I have seen a range of communities for women, LGBTQ+, begginers and more. Now, myself, I have not noticed one that is for vets by vets.

The Wicked Vet Gaming community pulls woman and men who are no longer serving our country and have a deeper connection than any of us can even imagine. They are vets who game but offers so much more support for one another. They also don’t only take vets but if you are a supporter they bring you in and dish out that same support, love and open up many of their streamers to explain a world that many of us everyday people know nothing about. I have gained a higher appreciation for those who brought me my freedom today from what they share with their community.

Follow the Wicked Vet Gaming Twitter page:

Meet the creators JayTeeBow, DevilDogDaddy and BakerMikeGolf. These are three strong mixer streamers that hold many things in common besides gaming.

Shop Wicked Vet Gaming merch:

Continue reading “For veterans, by veterans; welcomes Wicked Vet Gaming”
content creator, featured, interview, Uncategorized, video games

Influenchill; Get to know this new up and coming clothing brand.

Being in a new decade brings in a new flame, a new spark. We all want to make this decade better than the last. I encourage you to start with a new brand, power house and self run apparel company by Ebony Thomas, aka Phoenix Monroe on twitter; (@MsInfluenchill) called Influenchill.

Shop the website:

Ms. Thomas is Pittsburgh born and raised with Steeler blood that pumps through her veins. Infuenchill isn’t her first rodeo at running an empire. She holds 15 years as a self-taught freelance graphic designer and her very own company in that department was launched in 2018; Ebony Can Design. Not only does she take on graphic design she has been known to help build brands and other creative entrepreneurs. Even down to the gaming community. She enjoys a good game of Apex and has been surrounded by the hobby since she was 4 years old. Don’t be fooled she really does know her stuff and you may want to try and get onto the field with her. She spent time commentating Call of Duty games on YouTube and avidly supports gamers/streamers/content creators on Facebook Gaming.

Back to basics; Influenchill was her baby she pulled together in 2017 and the first launch happened in 2019 through her own already standing business, Ebony Can Design. When I say that she is a force she is a FORCE! Ebony held a strong 5k following on YouTube before retiring and moving to her own field she is in today. Influenchill is more than your next clothing brand. It was created,

as a nod to the culture that she never grew out of.

see full about Ebony Thomas section here:

You may be going through the site and noticing the designs are not typical and even down to the font they show character. With today’s culture the clothing is inspired by memes, pop culture and hyperbole into stylish streetwear. It does so cunningly poke at society while maintaining a high fashion look. With Ebony’s love and support of gaming she encourages partnership with Game Content Creators and her brand. By working with gamers they will have the ability to create their very own custom streetwear for themself and entire gaming community. Straight power house.

Let’s get closer and get to know Ms. Thomas a little more;

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