Game Review, gaming news, indie, pc gaming, Simulation, Steam, video games

My Museum-Simulate art and Indiana Jones style exhibitions

 Growing up I actually liked going to museums. It was either the environment of packing up for the day and spending time in a new place or the feeling of “time traveling” and seeing how life and things were back in ancient times. And not even ancient times; learning about our own surroundings even in the then and now. Wow, I felt some nostalgia there for a moment thinking of my museum visits as a kid and taking my sons to even some in the last few years. Well with how the world has been going, some places are 100% open back up and some with small restrictions you may be able to still enjoy some museum time and you yourself be the curator of it. 

You know me, I love my simulation games and when My Museum came across my sites I had to dive into it. My museum is developed by ManyDev Studio and Code Meister. It is not available yet on Steam but I would definitely add it to your wishlist for when the prologue drops.I got this game free of charge to play test and give what I give best, my honest review.

My actual game play screen shot *getting to my museum*

Opening up My Museum starts off already relaxing. The music is enlightening and the textures are very smooth and crisp. If you have ever played or watched house flipper it has those vibes. Everything you will be doing is in first person ,view of hands and arms mode. So it puts you right there handling all the work. So what exactly are we doing in a museum simulator? There is more to it than I had actually expected. The forefront of the game is that you have inherited your grandfather’s museum and it is in pretty bad shape. But you’re an art lover, antiques restorer, traveling business man/woman so this should be a breeze. Right?

Demo days are always fun days. As you start restoring your museum you have a plan to make it the best of its kind for critics and visitors to enjoy. You can head to your computer to purchase items from more art, displays and tools to do your job. But the fun part is getting to go out on exhibitions. The first adventure takes us to a temple in Egypt, it gives us some Indiana Jones vibes. We have to uncover puzzles, paths and stories to find more artifacts to bring back to the museum. I personally got nervous. Please in real life do not just take something from a sacred location, that just gave me goosebumps. But for the game, we shall collect. From there it’s said in the game that you have to weigh out your options of cleaning and displaying it or leave it in its age of distress and sell it. Because some items just may do better untouched and sold rather than restoring it and losing out on some money. YIKES!

In game it already shows that there are enough things to keep you busy. If you’re like me I spend way too much time decorating. Okay, in my eyes it’s just enough time for my vision; that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. I’m curious to see if we will be able to expand the museum, what lies behind some places that look like doorways, what else is in that Egyptian temple and what will the lineup of exhibitions be? I took their survey and I personally voted for Atlantis. 

Short but hands on play test, I’ll be close watching to see more on what My Museum grows into.

(Youtube embed)

Devs: ManyDev Studio & Code Meister

Publisher: ManyDev Studio