content creator, featured, interview, Uncategorized, video games

Influenchill; Get to know this new up and coming clothing brand.

Being in a new decade brings in a new flame, a new spark. We all want to make this decade better than the last. I encourage you to start with a new brand, power house and self run apparel company by Ebony Thomas, aka Phoenix Monroe on twitter; (@MsInfluenchill) called Influenchill.

Shop the website:

Ms. Thomas is Pittsburgh born and raised with Steeler blood that pumps through her veins. Infuenchill isn’t her first rodeo at running an empire. She holds 15 years as a self-taught freelance graphic designer and her very own company in that department was launched in 2018; Ebony Can Design. Not only does she take on graphic design she has been known to help build brands and other creative entrepreneurs. Even down to the gaming community. She enjoys a good game of Apex and has been surrounded by the hobby since she was 4 years old. Don’t be fooled she really does know her stuff and you may want to try and get onto the field with her. She spent time commentating Call of Duty games on YouTube and avidly supports gamers/streamers/content creators on Facebook Gaming.

Back to basics; Influenchill was her baby she pulled together in 2017 and the first launch happened in 2019 through her own already standing business, Ebony Can Design. When I say that she is a force she is a FORCE! Ebony held a strong 5k following on YouTube before retiring and moving to her own field she is in today. Influenchill is more than your next clothing brand. It was created,

as a nod to the culture that she never grew out of.

see full about Ebony Thomas section here:

You may be going through the site and noticing the designs are not typical and even down to the font they show character. With today’s culture the clothing is inspired by memes, pop culture and hyperbole into stylish streetwear. It does so cunningly poke at society while maintaining a high fashion look. With Ebony’s love and support of gaming she encourages partnership with Game Content Creators and her brand. By working with gamers they will have the ability to create their very own custom streetwear for themself and entire gaming community. Straight power house.

Let’s get closer and get to know Ms. Thomas a little more;

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