content creator, featured, gaming news, Nominations, professional streamer, twitch streaming, video games

I was nominated in The GameHers awards

The GameHers is a prominent company in the gaming industry. Their base focus is providing and offering a safe haven for women and femme identifiers a place to game. As well as in the world field of gaming.

The GameHers awards are being sponsored by stream labs and open nominations were placed.

I was personally nominated for YouTube Content creator of the year and Twitch Streamer of the year. I am beyond honored to represent BIPOC and the LGBTQIA+ communities for these nominations. I enjoy and love what I do and my community and those around recognize that even when I think I’m invisible. So thank you.

If you’d like to vote you can follow the link, register to ensure your vote is secure in this first round of voting.


I can be found under Lunamarie33

You can find my nominations under LunaMarie33 (sometimes you have to manually search because the phone has issues compared to pc)

Good luck to all of the amazing people who have been nominated. Win or lose it’s still an honor.

video games

Is it the boob that catches the eye?

There has been so much talk on streaming and the “type” of person that is fit for it. But does it really come down to male/female and really down to, “WOAH let’s keep our clothes on.“

I could go into my opinion on this topic but I’m going to keep it at best to the responses from a poll that was distributed through discord’s, Twitter and Facebook for anyone who placed their answers for this exact post.

Twitch, Mixer, Facebook Gaming and many other platforms offer people a one stop location for videos games… and more. That more in some people’s eyes are breasts. Yes, there is an ongoing argument. “Boobs steal my views.” Who has this on a shirt yet?

There are times that woman having low cut tops, averts the eyes for something else to gawk at. This has been the issue that woman can’t be taken seriously or the reason why many streams aren’t getting the views they think they deserve. Are you still with me?

38 people took to the poll and responded to the following questions.

Who’s stream will you go to first?
Is streaming a job for men, women or anyone capable?

Coming out of the gates it’s noticeable that of the 38 people, majority clearly believe streaming is meant for all walks of life, but where they end up leaves a lopsided view; 13.2% will find themself going to female streams over 84.2% who will go for the content, games or honestly how many viewers there are per that game. This then shows that 2.6% who will automatically go to a males stream first. If streaming is for anyone that is capable why break down by sex who you will watch and flock to first? Things to think about. Do you find yourself following down this path or avoiding it?

Most guys will go to a female streamer just cause she’s showing her boobs or being sexy in many ways so it makes it harder for smaller channels to even have a chance to grow.

– Anonymous poll taker

How many boobs per stream do we think is really keeping people from growing? I mean, can’t women steal another woman’s views who don’t show boobs? That’s a serious inquiry if this really is the reason we aren’t that “pro streamer”. As well as, is this really the reason to be going to female streams? The skin, the boobs all of the sex appeal? Can one tell the difference in one honing in on their assets compared to someone just wanting to wear a top that they love and hey, look there is cleavage. I wish I could post the range of comments because so many great statements and eye openers to how streamers really feel.

Do you feel boobs really do steal views?

The question that may never actually be able to be answered. Do boobs really steal your views? It’s like the question which came first the chicken or the egg? How does one really know if something that feeds growing humans has that much power? Streamers taking the poll replied that 31.6% is a straight yes. These bad boys just shoved into the camera are taking away from hard working streamers. A very close 42.1% agreed that there was no way that fatty flesh was taking anything away from anyone and the 26.3% are really on the fence to think maybe this is what’s happening. Those numbers are still pretty close to say that well, maybe this is something. Should this be hushed and brushed to the side? But the internet holds a “proper” place for these types of women right? We are referring to the adult sites. When a site such as these gaming platforms offer live cameras should all be covered up to the neck?

Using your bewbs as an asset to persuade male audiences is a tale as old as time. So when women do this on a platform designed to be for game streaming and not porn, it’s disrespectful to the platform, the community, and other streamers. You aren’t STEALING views, you’re just creating false expectations for Twitch viewers, and telling other female streamers that this is what they should do to get views – It isn’t true. I feel there is an audience and demographic that wants to watch chicks with their boobs on the verge of slipping out, and that’s their thing and that’s alright. Do I wish that those people would go to PornHub or Chatterbate to get their fix? Yes….

– Anonymous poll taker
Do you feel like men should be set to the same visual standards as women?

Well those pecks are exposed why can’t my breasts be? Do man boobs count? Men can stream with their shirts off, muscles showing and googling eyes on them right? So that means woman can do the same? Or is the male body just not as sexualized as the woman’s? For a call of equality there is a 10.5% of people here that think men shouldn’t have to have the same rules as women when it comes to their body. That was higher than even I expected. But that’s not enough to take over the 52.6% that want pure equality and the same standards across the board.

Cuz males have small egos.

– Anonymous poll taker

I think its because gaming has always been seen as a male dominated area and if there are now probably the same amount of female streamers most people assume that they are using sex to get more viewers without having to actually do anything

– Anonymous poll taker

Egos, domination and down right sex appeal was what a lot of statements held on the matter. Streaming and wide variety of anything that has to do with technology has been shoved in today’s society as male dominated. When females start popping up it seems stereotypes and pointing of fingers of why they are successful gets pulled to attention but barely for their talents.

We need to face it, boobs aren’t going anywhere and these boob streamers aren’t either. But something has to be done to the ones that are taking advantage of the wrong platforms. It does give bad signals, but at the same time as adults on these platforms they should hold common courtesy that just because one boob is out doesn’t mean all boobs are going to be out and up for “grabs”. No one wants to be judged because of who they are or what they decide to be. These gaming platforms are here for people to be themselves, interac and get better at a hobby many have.

I think female streamers thrive honestly, all they gotta do is their hair and make up and show some skin and they get viewers or flirt with their viewers.

– Anonymous poll taker

In my opinion it doesn’t matter at all, what does matter is how interactive they are with their viewers.

– Anonymous poll taker

Let us know in the comments what your thoughts are on the matter. Have you been a victim of the boob streamer?

Galaxy Gaming,


comic books, Uncategorized

The Dark Knight gets a makeover

If you haven’t heard, DC is taking its well-known hero and giving him an entirely different story. You can start seeing a black Batman in 2020 from DC Comics.

“According to an article by complex, DC comics is reportedly bringing a black Batman…”

blog post by Nightwulf Gaming

A fellow blogger, Nightwulf, spoke on this announcement that encouraged me to share his words. Please check out his entire blog post and share your thoughts.

I literally went to sleep thinking about this and woke up with it still pondering on my mind.

A lot of the intake and what stood out to me was what will his interactions be like with the Justice League? Specifically Wonder Woman and Superman; could one person having an entirely different cultural background, change the interaction between entire persons? Keep in mind this isn’t our traditional Bruce Wayne.

“… the article states that this story arc would not be a reimagined Bruce Wayne…”

blog post by Nightwulf Gaming

This alone may just eat me alive. Will we have our iconic Catwoman to play on the banter? How will things be with Batman and Joker, will there even be a Joker? As my thoughts hit will this black batman be in a cultural position where it’s a black community or him standing out as the minority?

I still love what DC is doing with many of their story lines. I am an advocate for showing diversity and showing things in a different parallel. This touching base on how cultural differences could very well change a lot about one character. This, I believe, could also touch base with a brand new outlet of people. Our favorite heroes can still be our favorites just in a different light.

Let us know in the comments with your feels and please check out Nightwulf with Nightwulf Gaming black.

Galaxy out,
