content creator, featured, gaming news, Nominations, professional streamer, twitch streaming, video games

I was nominated in The GameHers awards

The GameHers is a prominent company in the gaming industry. Their base focus is providing and offering a safe haven for women and femme identifiers a place to game. As well as in the world field of gaming.

The GameHers awards are being sponsored by stream labs and open nominations were placed.

I was personally nominated for YouTube Content creator of the year and Twitch Streamer of the year. I am beyond honored to represent BIPOC and the LGBTQIA+ communities for these nominations. I enjoy and love what I do and my community and those around recognize that even when I think I’m invisible. So thank you.

If you’d like to vote you can follow the link, register to ensure your vote is secure in this first round of voting.


I can be found under Lunamarie33

You can find my nominations under LunaMarie33 (sometimes you have to manually search because the phone has issues compared to pc)

Good luck to all of the amazing people who have been nominated. Win or lose it’s still an honor.